Citibank credit card forbearance program

Forbearance may seem like a good safety net if you can't make at least the minimum payment on your credit card bill, but you should take into consideration any interest charges. If your card issuer allows you to skip monthly payments or pay a lower minimum payment with no late fees , you'll likely still accrue interest on your unpaid balances.

Those interest charges will be added to your existing balance and may cause you to fall into debt. This can result in a higher credit utilization rate which is the percentage of your total credit you're using and can lower your credit score.

See rates and fees. If your credit score is good enough to qualify for this option, and you can verify some kind of income on a new credit card application whether that be retirement distributions or a spouse's income , using a credit card with a promotional financing period can be a way to protect your score and buy some much-needed time without incurring extra debt.

If you have any doubt that you will be able to make credit card payments, it's in your best interest to contact your card issuer as soon as possible to discuss relief options. Once you're in a better financial standing, you can work on paying down your credit card debt , but until then forbearance can be a helpful safety net. However, if you currently have the ability to make at least the minimum payment, you should consider sticking with that option since forbearance is not without some drawbacks.

Learn more: How to delay your credit card payment during the coronavirus pandemic. Skip Navigation. Select Logo. Follow Select. Credit card issuers are continuing to expand their support for customers facing financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Citi is just one of the many card issuers, along with American Express , Apple , Bank of America , Capital One , Chase and Discover , that have been announcing emergency support within the past week.

Citi has a webpage dedicated to coronavirus updates and resources for their customers. The site states that eligible Citi credit card customers can receive credit line increases and collection forbearance programs. Keep in mind that you typically have to wait six months between credit limit increase requests with Citi cards, and these standards still hold despite the crisis.

While researching this story, I spoke with a Citi representative to ask for a credit limit increase, and I was denied since I have already asked for one within the last six months — even after I cited coronavirus concerns. Update April 7: Citi expands assistance to include late fee waivers and deferral of minimum payments for two months. Coronavirus relief options are also extended until May 8, and Citi will continue to monitor the situation to determine if assistance should be further extended or expanded.

Citi credit cardholders can also now submit a request for assistance online after logging in. Already requested assistance?

You also may be eligible for additional assistance programs upon request:. Retail Banking For your convenience, you can book an appointment in person, by video or phone with one of our bankers so you can discuss your banking needs without waiting. Credit Cards Collection forbearance program. For assistance, please contact us. Mortgages Citi's mortgage sub—servicer Cenlar FSB is offering day forbearance for Citi's mortgage loans where the borrower is experiencing hardship, during which there will be no negative reporting to the credit bureaus for up—to—date customers.

In addition, foreclosures and evictions have been paused. Student Loans Through our servicer Firstmark, Citi provides assistance for those in financial hardship who qualify for the program. For details please call According to the Treasury Department, payments have begun being issued via Direct Deposit, check, and debit card. Where Can I go for additional information? To learn more, including who's eligible, how payments will be received, payment amounts, and other information, you should visit the IRS directly.

If eligible, you may check the status of your payment at IRS. The payment will appear in your recent transactions. You can also set up Account Alerts to be notified when your stimulus payment is deposited. If you receive a paper check, you need to sign the back of the check. Rest assured, we're continuing to take precautions to ensure the safety and the well-being of both you and our employees at our branches.

The safety measures we're taking include — frequently disinfecting ATMs and other high—touch surfaces, requiring facial coverings, making hand sanitizer readily available, practicing social distancing, and strictly adhering to the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control CDC. If you aren't a Citi Customer, you may be able to open an account online today and deposit your mailed check in your new account.

Learn more about our checking and savings accounts. What if I'm Getting a Debit Card? Some payments will be mailed as an Economic Impact Payment card. If you qualify for this payment type, the card will be sent in a white envelope that prominently displays the U. Department of the Treasury seal. Information included with the card will explain that this is your Economic Impact Payment.

More information about these cards is available at EIPcard. For more information about the digital tools available, such as digital wallets , visit citi. Check out the quick and easy how-to videos. We also have information and teams to help with your business banking, home buying and refinancing needs. For questions regarding an existing mortgage, you can call our service provider, Cenlar FSB, at Branch locations that were temporarily closed are now reopened.

You can find the latest information on your local branches at citibank. For your convenience, you can also book an appointment in person, by video or phone with one of our bankers so you can discuss your banking needs without waiting. Changes in Branch Practices Enhanced cleaning procedures, e. Please note Citigold lounges may be temporarily closed to protect the health and safety of our clients and employees. We're addressing the current situation by helping clients and providing funds to organizations that are helping frontline healthcare workers, No Kid Hungry and more.

Our experienced teams can help provide guidance for your investment needs during this volatile time. To better understand the impact of COVID on markets, catch up on the latest market information with recent market insights, replays of live webcasts, market reactions and monthly market snapshots.

Staying up to date on domestic and global perspectives today will help you feel more confident in your future investing. Reach out to your Citi Personal Wealth Management Financial Advisor for your investment needs, such as execution of trades, investment account inquiries and access to investment funds or securities.

Due to postal delays, please don't send any hard copy mail addressed to your advisor or your branch for the time being, including any correspondence, forms, checks or securities. Please contact your advisor to discuss alternative ways, including electronic methods, for sending any such correspondence or materials to us.

If you must send mail during this time, please use the address below and allow additional time for processing.


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