They can be super energetic and really enjoy any sort of playtime! With their small size, some people might not know what games a chihuahua would enjoy. However, their small size makes playtime even more thrilling as they get really excited at any chance to play! It also serves as an opportunity to bond with the pup too! Chihuahuas have such a big personality and positive playtime makes them feel even closer to their owners.
Everyone knows games to play with dogs, like tug or chase, but is playtime only limited to these types of playing? The answer is no! There are many fun games to play with a chihuahua that will encourage its intellectual side as well as its overall playful demeanour!
Thinking outside of the box when it comes to games to play with a chihuahua is important. With this in mind, the pups do have games they may favour over others.
It is perfectly fine to play the games they really enjoy, however, adding in some variety to that playtime keeps them interested in the long run. The toys that chihuahuas have to play with really give some insight into how playtime may pan out. There are incredibly cute dog toys out there. From stuffed toys like ducks, rodents, bears, etc that have a squeaker in them to tugging rope, the possibilities are endless!
Having a wide range of toys to choose from is just as important as adding variety to playtime itself! Another aspect of playtime should include small treats like dog biscuits or homemade dog treats.
Rewarding a positive behaviour like playtime is a great way to boost behaviour as well. Chihuahuas who get treats after a playtime activity are more likely to want to imitate that game and they will have a positive association with the game as well.
So what are great game ideas that are fun to play with a chihuahua? This is a classic game that makes any dog proud of playtime. This is especially true of chihuahuas, as they will feel so accomplished by catching the ball or toy that was thrown.
Having small treats handy is a great suggestion to keep up positive behaviour training while playing. After tossing the toy, the chihuahua will eagerly chase after it to retrieve it. When they bring the toy or ball back, always reward them with a treat! This game is great outdoors with a small stick as well. Depending on trained a pup is will determine if this game is appropriate to play.
Training comes with patience, praise, and a rewarding system, so this game is perfect for chihuahuas who are trained to listen to commands. This outdoor game is a great exercise for humans and dogs alike, giving double benefits to this playtime activity! A park or backyard is suitable and it is truly really simple.
It helps keep everyone active and excited! Frisbees are plastic discs that float pretty effortlessly in the air. While bigger dogs tend to love this game, so can a chihuahua. Click Here to see our Top recommended Chihuahua fun games and toys. No problem at all!
I do have a small lamb chop she liked to play with but she ripped the eyelashes off it and took the stuffing out. Only Lamb chop will she get and tries to get it , but that is all I can get her to do. And I have to start her out with that. She also likes to hump on of the cats until the cat turns around and bites her. Any help will be helpful. She is a rescue and enjoys a walk. I have never had a dog this small and am learning a lot through my research.
Thank you so much for these great ideas for activities to do. Also, wipe bubble mixture splashes off surfaces and the floor. Use chopped up carrots or other vegetables your dog likes. This is healthier than store-bought treats. Encourage them to find which hand has the treat. When they sniff or paw the correct hand, open it and give them the treat.
Note: Do not overfeed your Chihuahua with treats, especially close to their meal times. You are to teach your Chihuahua the names of their toys. Assign a short name for a toy so your Chihuahua remembers quickly. Something with 1 or 2 syllables will do.
Get 5 toys and lay them on the floor. If they get the correct toy, praise them and reward them with a treat. Or a brief tug of war will suffice for reward.
Teach them to pick up their toys and put them in the basket. Your Chihuahua will have something to do instead of jumping all over you. And it gives you time to grab your hat or put on shoes. Get a chair or a stool. Lay it on its side and make sure both ends are open. This allows you to do simple activities inside the house.
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