XAT IIFT 9. CMAT 4. DU JAT 3. IBSAT 3. MAT 3. SNAP 3. ATMA 1. IPMAT 1. JEMAT 1. NPAT B. SET General 1.
Xavier's College Entrance Test 1. Select Exam. CAT Functions Set Theory Mixtures and Alligations Geometry Co-ordinate Geometry Trigonometry Column Graphs 3. Bar Graphs 4. Line Charts 5. Pie Chart 6. Venn Diagrams 7.
Number and Letter Series 2. Calendars 3. Clocks 4. Cubes 5. Venn Diagrams 6. The right study material must include sample papers and mock tests. This is a crucial aspect of the preparation for CAT. Before CAT, all aspirants end up solving a number of sample papers and mock tests to gauge their performance and identify their weak areas.
Solving these tests also teach students time management, which comes in handy during the CAT exam. Aspirants must never rely on a particular resource. Instead, they must keep their options open and browse through multiple sources. The idea is to be completely prepared and to cover all bases.
Only a balanced approach will help them achieve this. There are a number of books in the market for CAT preparation. The following are some of the known names popular among aspirants :. Name of the Book. Quantitative Aptitude for CAT. Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation.
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning. In addition to the above books from renowned books and publishers, CAT aspirants also rely on coaching material provided by established names in the CAT coaching domain. Most popular among them are:. This includes printed books, practice questions and video solutions. Study Material - A trusted name for CAT preparation, this includes a set of study notes, videos and test papers.
Ultimately, aspirants have to decide which combination from among these materials suit them the best. The three main sections in CAT are: Quantitative Aptitude Verbal Reasoning and Reading Comprehension Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Under each of these three sections, there are a number of topics, which the candidates must be familiar with.
While browsing through and finalising the material, candidates must keep in mind the following points: 1. Covers all topics The right preparation materials are those that cover all possible CAT topics. Student Friendly Approach The aspirants can look for exam material, which has a student friendly approach. Includes sample papers and mock tests The right study material must include sample papers and mock tests.