Can you run windows xp on snow leopard

Please forgive my ignorance but how do I chose which and what to clone as a Boot volume and what for the Master - I have read the links you helpfully provided. I've downloaded the free Carbon Copy Cloner from your link or is it better to buy a version of this I wonder?

Also, is it necessary to partition an external hard drive? I already have a couple and don't particularly want to buy another or lose the data on them.

I've never had any problems with them seemimg to be slow or anything. Not keen on doing a fresh install because of all the various music software - which is why I should clone or backup I suppose Sorry to sound so thick! I use the Mac as a tool and I'm not well informed on all this computer tech stuff. This is pretty much all new to me. Plug and play.

Not much different than DU except it does smart updates, and you can exclude folders. Making it easy to exclude large user folders for instance. Putting the user home account elsewhere is a nice idea been doing so since The target partition just needs to be large enough to hold the system seeing we are for now only interested in the system.

And t he user account data folders can be manually copied to a backup drive or to their new home location. No down time. Who said you need to install the whole system? I was t alking a small simple emergency maintenance system volume only which need only be about 24GB.

Can slice out one of your internal drives. Reformatting with SL can be a good idea. SL does allow you to remove, add or resize partitions on the fly in Disk Utility. I reformat drives when t he OS changes, or when the structure of the partition tables is updated. And I definitely retire t he system and data drives every so often 2 yrs for system and use them after zeroing as backups.

Thanks a lot Hatter, much appreciated. I suspect you underestimate the lack of expertise I have in this field - most of what you've said, terminology, abbreviations etc. But I'm working my way through the links you've provided and am learning if a bit slowly!

Disk Utility can do a one time 'clone' Restore tab but lacks the features to do checksum and ignore folders or do smart updates in future. Dec 3, AM. I'll have a good look at CCC. Not had time since I downloaded it. Improve this question. Your start point is BootCamp 3 - I can't remember that far back whether the app itself is on the DVDs that came with the machine, but I have a feeling it was. This has to appear on the label in order to successfully install. This application is not Boot Camp.

It is just an Assistant. A word of warning. You may find it difficult to download any updates from Microsoft via Windows Update. You will probably have to search the Web for Service Pack 3, then download and manually install. I also would not allow it to connect to the Internet as you're just asking for trouble if you do unless you isolate it from any form of direct connectivity to OS X if you want to keep the OS X Host safe!

Since you can not use your current version of the Boot Camp Assistant, would you not be better off installing Windows 7 or Windows 10 on your Mac Mini? You could install Windows 10 Evaluation for free for 90 days to see if you like Windows 10 before buying. My suspicion is that this is no longer supported in the latest releases of OSX. For me, the assistant only offers Windows 7 as an option.

It doesn't say "Windows 7 or other" — cloneman. Show 1 more comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. David Anderson David Anderson Add a comment. Then launch the Boot Camp Assistant. Continue to proceed with Boot Camp and allow it to download the software and also selecting the size for your partition. When the Mac Mini reboots, you will be taken to a screen where you can decide what to boot to. Wait a few seconds and the cd-rom will appear on the screen. Select it and press 'Enter' to boot to it.

Do not try to re-partition or delete the partition. Just go through the rest of the installation process as normal. Continue to run the update, until it no longer finds updates for the 'Boot Camp Control Panel' utility and the 'Apple Software Update'. Petronilla Escarabajo Petronilla Escarabajo 1 1 bronze badge.

More of a virtual download, not actually on the physical hard drive — Munesawagi. Yes, I tried the hacked Boot Camp Assistant - no dice. I also tried doing it without the Boot Camp Assistant. I don't have "boot-uuid" in my Boot. I have noticed that there is a small bit of unpartitioned space when I install Win7. I'm going to try to delete that and "absorb" that into the Win partition. Fingers crossed! I forgot to mention that installing Win XP screws up config for the active partition.

But doesn't the XP partition have to be the active one, or else XP won't boot? At least that is what I'm finding. I just know that installing XP renders my EFI partition inactive, when I switch on the mini, the windows bootloader kicks in immediately. So I had to make it active again.

That way, it's Chameleon that loads by default during start up, leaving me with the option to choose which OS to load. If choose XP, then that's the time that the Windows bootloader would start.

Also, I haven't tried dual-booting Win 7 you see. Only Win XP. Make sure you're using gptsync with formatting your GUID hard drive. You do this by installing from a install medium with NetbookBootMaker applied. For explanation, read here. Post a Comment. Explanation found here. One solution is to just install Windows 7 instead of Windows XP.


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