C xml file parser

You can use programming technologies and a given language functions to read data from an Excel or CSV file. In all these cases, you would have to write your own code to process parse the data, which can be an ineffective and error prone solution most of the time. These is the elements and attributes structure in the XML file provided with the code sample this is the stocks.

The DOMDocument object exposes properties and methods that allow you to navigate, query, and modify the content and structure of an XML document. Each of the following objects exposes methods and properties that enable you to gather information about the instance of the object, manipulate the value and structure of the object, and navigate to other objects within the tree. The program accepts the class. If you do not specify a word, then it uses the word "death. You can find documentation that describes how to compile and run the sample programs in the README in the same directory.

The basic steps are as follows:. The make utility changes into each demo subdirectory and runs make to do the following:. Compiles the C source files with the cc utility. Runs each demo program and redirects the output to a file. For example, DOMSample. It checks for both well-formedness and validity.

Use the following syntax on the command line to invoke xml the Windows version is xml. Example displays the contents of NSExample. You can parse this file, count the number of elements, and display the DOM tree as shown in the following example:. When using the DOM to process XML in a traditional file system or on the Web, you need to perform implementation-specific steps only for startup.

Your application requires a top-level xmlctx. This context contains encoding information, low-level memory callbacks, error message language, encoding, and so on. In short, this context contains those things that should remain consistent for all XDK components. The basic steps for initialization are as follows:. Load documents and generate DOM events. You can generate DOM as in the following example:. Input XML data is always encoded. Some encodings are entirely self-describing, such as UTF, which requires a specific BOM before the start of the actual data.

If the application cannot determine the specific encoding, then it applies the default input encoding. The API makes a provision for cases when the encoding data of the input document is corrupt. The XMLDecl is metadata, not data itself. This rule is often ignored, however, which results in corrupt documents.

To work around this problem, the API provides an additional flag that enables you to forcibly set the input encoding, thereby overcoming an incorrect XMLDecl. After the application has determined the input encoding has been determined, it can parse the document and present the data. You are allowed to choose the presentation encoding; the data will be in that encoding regardless of the original input encoding.

When an application writes back a DOM in serialized form, it can choose at that time to re-encode the presentation data. Thus, the you can place the serialized document in any encoding. Consequently, the XDK provides an additional set of length-encoded APIs for the high-frequency cases to improve performance. The C API functions typically either return a numeric error code 0 for success, nonzero on failure , or pass back an error code through a variable.

In all cases, the API stores error codes. By default, the API outputs error messages to stderr. However, you can register an error message callback at initialization time. When an error occurs, the application invokes the registered callback and does not print an error. You can also include a pointer to a user-defined context structure, which you pass to each SAX function. Go to the following page to read more about its features. TinyXML, and also Boost. The latter does not fulfill all official requirements, but is very simple.

It has easy to understand documentation and a high level API which was all I was looking for. I like the Gnome xml parser. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow.

Learn more. Asked 13 years, 3 months ago. Active 3 years, 5 months ago. Viewed k times. Improve this question. As NicolBolas points out, there is now a much more recent StackOverflow posting that asks the same question: stackoverflow.

Note that the much newer StackOverflow posting I reference above has nearly as many upvotes as the current question as of Dec , and the answer has many more upvotes than the answers here and has a fantastic, easy-to-read flow chart. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Features Parsing speed including DOM tree building approaching speed of strlen function executed on the same data.

On a modern CPU as of the parser throughput is about 1 billion characters per second. See Performance section in the Online Manual. Small memory footprint of the code and created DOM trees.

A headers-only implementation, simplifying the integration process. Simple license that allows use for almost any purpose, both commercial and non-commercial, without any obligations. This subset is so small that it can be easily emulated manually if use of standard library is undesired.

There is no support for XML namespaces. The parser does not check for character validity. The interface of the parser does not conform to DOM specification.

The parser does not check for attribute uniqueness. Improve this answer. I like the headers-only approach I think you really need one header file. Just throw it in and don't worry about changing anything in your build process. It's the reason I use Rapidxml. One system I work with insists on putting illegal trailing spaces on the element names - rapidXML is the only one that can cope with this admittedly by not noticing! But node traversing is very difficult than other parser When choosing an XML parser for commercial use in a certain kind of domain , we need to see if the parser will be maintained for at least 2 or 3 decades.


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