Please contact [email protected] for more information. With the Bundle, you can include song lyrics and melody lines in your stream, share handouts online, and download songs or texts from our database. Read how the Reproduction License works. For attendance over 30, people, please contact [email protected] for special pricing. Copyright repoduction permission for conventions, conferences, workshops, revivals, mission trips, or retreats up to one week in length.
Perfect for those who wish to carry worship services over a live stream or upload a prerecorded video, but nothing more.
Post as many services as you like containing covered songs for one year. To include song lyrics and melody lines in your stream, to share handouts, or to download songs or texts from our database, refer to the Bundle options above. Priced according to typical weekly attendance at your community, each category offers up to three times the number of views to reach a broader audience.
Read how the Practice Track Licence works. Group Licenses are designed to offer diocesan, synod, and conference offices, school districts, summer camp central offices, and other administrative endeavors total and complete control over the licenses in their regional area or organization. With the help of the Group Manager, individual suborganizations within the Group can select any of our Annual licensing options, and the pricing is consistent with the information for the selected licenses on this page.
Significant discounts are available based on the size of your Group. Contact us for more details! Read how the Group License works. All rights reserved. If you produce a seasonal booklet that is used for multiple weeks, you report the number of services or Masses each song is used in each week.
For planning purposes, you are able to report twelve weeks in the past and six weeks into the future. Prompt reporting ensures that royalties are properly distributed to publishers and composers who create the wonderful music we sing. Composers and Member Publishers depend on consistent reporting for their income. For more information, you can view a tutorial video on reporting. As with seasonal booklets, you will report the number of services or Masses each song is used in each week.
The Member Publisher page is updated regularly. If a publisher is not listed, then they are not currently a member of the service, or they are not covered in your regional territory. We also provide Member Publisher updates in our monthly newsletter.
To subscribe, email us at [email protected]. Please contact the appropriate Member Publisher directly with any request to change lyrics. Your license permits the reprinting of music for your congregation. If your congregation sings in parts and the item you wish to reprint is published in a typical four-part congregational version, you may reprint that version under your license.
If you are planning to reprint a song, you must have a published copy of the congregational version of that song in your possession. Look for the copyright notice on the commercially published copy of the work usually a hymnal, missal, song book, or congregational sheet music. Public domain pieces will usually not include any claim of copyright on the page, either at the top or bottom of the piece of music. In some cases, though, these notices are only listed either in the front or the back of the collection and not on each page, so check carefully.
Also examine the dates attached to the composer or text author names. Young, —; and the tune to Franz X.
Gruber, — Since all died more than seventy years ago, it is a relatively firm conclusion that words and music are in the public domain. Thus, to reprint only the words and melody, both of which are clearly in the public domain, no permission is needed. To summarize: If there is no claim to copyright on the printed page, or in the front or back of the particular collection or work, then it is reasonably safe to assume that the work is in the public domain. All rights reserved. If words and music are by the same composer, you may combine these lines.
This information must be typed into your worship aid, bulletin, slideshow, etc. The copyright symbol circle with the C in the middle can be created by typing c into your program or option G on your keyboard. Record the song title as it appears in your source document. If the tune name is known, use it. Otherwise, the common title or first line of the text with which the melody is associated may be used. This ensures that the artists receive royalties for the music you use.
The staff is friendly, helpful, and the cost is so affordable. It feels genuinely good to use the music appropriately, and I am amazed at the selection and ease of use. Thank you! Music Minister St. We are able to find titles quickly, and reporting is just as simple! I would happily recommend One License to my colleagues. As a reminder, reprinting, projecting, or including text or congregational melody lines in your video content requires the purchase of a Reprint License.
Certain liturgical content, including Scripture readings, will require permission directly from the copyright holder of this material. When distributing remotely, we ask that you do not post the file for free access on the internet.
This is designed for organizations that do not post or display lyrics or melody lines nor provide worship aids for their congregation. This stand-alone option is perfect for those who do not need an Annual Reprint License for their sanctuary, but still want to share their worship services with the world.
As a reminder, reprinting, projecting, or including text or congregational melody lines in your video content requires the purchase of a reprint license. With this license, you are able to: Copy demonstration recordings provided by a Member Publisher; Copy commercial CDs or mp3s purchased from a Member Publisher or member record company; Record your own versions of covered songs for your ensemble a specific vocal part, for example, or an accompaniment track ; Burn CDs or email MP3s; Provide a link to a Dropbox or Google Drive file that can only be accessed by the intended musicians.
For a complete list of Member Publishers who participate, click here. Note: The Practice-Track License is for practice and rehearsal purposes only and does not cover commercial master recordings for use within a live worship service.
For more information on using commercial master recordings, please contact the copyright holder and publisher of that specific content. Group Licenses are designed to support administrative offices and better organize their suborganizations. All Group Licenses feature the ability to centralize billing with a potential for discounts and provide the account owner access to all of the royalty reports within the group, providing valuable information about the music being used and ensuring reporting accountability for copyright law.
The account owner receives one bill, and all suborganizations process their own royalty reports. Some examples of the groups we serve include:.